This is the 1st out of 2 weeks mid term break. It was supposed to be a break for this blog as well, however I decided that due to my excessive free time I could spend some fraction of it discussing the following media issue. In the Monday Media Report of the Australian (11 April 2011) there was an article regarding the net users and the time Australians spent online. For surprise to everyone according to Nielsen Australians 'have increased their time online by a record-breaking four hours a week'. What struck me was the fact included in the article which states that the average internet usage has more than tripled for a decade. Although, I am aware and used to very fast technological developments, this data is still jaw-dropping for me. Realizing that people nowadays dedicate so much time staying online purely means that they have scratched some of their previous activities out of the list! This issue is not discussed in the article, however it makes me think in this particular direction as media once more has invaded our world and the facts even prove it.
It is very interesting to see that an increase in people accessing online content related to the TV programme or ad is observed. That means that more and more advertisers reach their goals by tricking the audience to go online after watching a TV programme. It means more hits to their website and the awareness among people increases as well. I do not have anything against TV ads that make you go online if the commercial has been entertaining enough for me. Because advertising is a major subject in my degree I am used to critiquing and analyzing different sorts of commercials. From my human point of view I could say that some commercials are very irritating and makes me feel abandon the porgramme I have been watching just because I hate bein interrupted every 15 minutes. But from my let's say professional point of viewing advertising, annoying commercials can cause people to ignore the advertising clutter even more. That's why I believe that entertaining commercials are mole likely to succeed in catching the viewers attention and reach the goal of the audience going and buying the product/or service advertised.
Anyways, that's all for this week! You can access the article I have read via the following link.
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